Sunday, May 26, 2024

Succour and Strengthen

At times we are called to endure a hard trial. The scriptures say many are called but few are chosen. Perhaps that is because of how we addressed our trials. Do we bear with patience and wait for relief or do we mop and complain or council with the Lord in our trials?

I recently called an old friend, Gordon, he reminded me of a time where we were scouting up in the mountains of Utah. We we getting merit badges and just swamped out boats for our canoeing badge. The water was a cool 70° but it seemed ice and I swam to shore instead of getting back in the boat. I asked to go back to camp and in doing so, got lost. When I was found, I was severely sunburned as I had only a bathing shorts on. The other scouts did their best when I was discovered to succour my burns and give me comfort.

It was a comfort being found but I still had to endure the healing time it took. The same can be said for times when we leave the hearth of the gospel. Like my sunburn, it takes time, little by little to heal and regain strength. While the Lord may succour us and run to our side, He cannot take pain, but comfort us during the pain.

When Alma and Limhi went through their experiences as in the Book of Mormon (Mosiah 18-24) they were strengthen. The Lord heard their cries and comforted them. We are no different. Our daily lives are chalk full of things to overcome and it makes us the people we want to be. 

Once we have been taught to succour we can succour others. It's a humbling experience but it shows us how much the Lord cares for us and for others. We race to help and lift because we have felt a similar experience. I know we can share and make the experience of others a building opportunity. Old things are destroyed so that new things can take their place. If we see it as a step to God, we will ensure it well. 

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