Saturday, September 4, 2021

Don't be seduced by the coolness

Original picture here.

I was reflecting on the seven deadly sins and how almost each has a church. Not one of brick and mortar but virtual and while I was thinking of such things, my mind reflected on the virtues (strengths of body and spirit) that were the opposite. All of those thoughts brought me to one phrase, "Don't be seduced by the coolness". 

It seems all too often that this poor world has been sucked into the church of Babylon in one form or another by sin. Pride, greed (lasciviousness), wrath (rage), envy (covetous), lust, gluttony, and sloth run rampant among our dear brothers and sisters like a California wildfire, burning and affecting every one of us. Each sin is toxic and grossly addicting but like a cool beer commercial, is introduced as harmless and fun and can be shared with others. Many have learned that the sins of this world lead to loneliness, pain, and heartache, a seriously dark place. 

The Lord through scripture has taught us seven great virtues to counter them so that we can be strong. He has also taught us what to strengthen our spirits to fortify us against that great advisory that would seek to undermine our work. The virtues are prudence (foresight), justice, temperance (bridled passion), and courage (or fortitude/virtue), faith, hope, and charity. Each of these virtues is an action word. Like sin that requires action or a decision, so does virtue. Muscles of the mind and body need constant exercise. The constant struggle to build your character through mental spiritual and physical exercise is vitally important. 

So what do we do? Work daily. We could be the people that we want to be but we must be earnest in working to be those people that we want to become. Being good requires work and effort like exercise. May we all make that great effort to be the kind of people we want to be. 

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