Sunday, January 23, 2022

The comforts of the garden

I was reflecting on the garden of Eden and the choice Adam made to leave home, his mother, and father and cleve this wife and take on the lone and dreary world. Each young couple who makes that decision embarks on a tradition that has been with us for thousands of years by millions of men and women. We leave our garden to be a strength and pillar for our wife and children. We make a new garden so that our children will be in an Eden that they will remember and model their homes after. Life can be hard and it changes our garden but we must be a tiller and gatherer for our family so that they can do the same.

We need to weed and nurture our gardens like our relationship with our Savior and Heavenly Father. Our relationships must be constantly be furnished and watched over. Our relationships with our spouses and children should be weed-free. That is we should eat together often, council often, laugh often and pull together often in the trial. When our children that our Eden and that the importance is there, our children will model after us, the prophets, the Savior and above all, the Father.

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