Sunday, May 2, 2021

The Parable of the Car

I remember a while back teaching the restoration and comparing it to restoring a car. I was teaching 10 year olds at the time. We, as a class went over all the parts of the car and how it and the gospel with the church benefited from a redtoration; a shining beacon of accomplishment. 

I reflected on that and thought if the year 2020 was a car in the front yard, is it a car to remember? Is it staying there because you will not let it go? How were we going to restore our faith and conviction to move on and was 2020 going to be a lesson or a grease stain we will never let go. I personally am still looking for the many lessons of faith and self improvement this year will provide. 

Another thought was, like sin in life, will you need to get help removing it or is it a matchbox car that can be removed quickly? We dont nessisarily know what will be needed to restore our souls but the master teacher knows. Perhaps working with Him we will see what He is doing, has done and will do to restore us to our more perfect form. We have a restored gospel, now we just need to use it to become restored too.

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