Sunday, May 30, 2021

the parable of the potato

It seems to me that the world has become too instant in its behavior. Instant this and instant that... Our relationships with information, politics, religion, and perhaps God... oh and food has been a grab for instant gratification and nourishment but at a time like a diet soda has left us empty and wanting.
I wonder what happened to the old ways of line upon line precept upon precept, here a little and there a little so that that of which we build is strong and unshaken.

There is a clear difference between a microwaved instant potato and a slow-cooked oven-baked potato. Why are we getting away from that idea? Each of us has tasted both and it doesn't matter how much sour cream and bacon you dress it with your potato cannot be masked; the taste will be there. How much of our lives are like that? Is it a school, church, our job, or career like that? 

When we take the time to read, learn and write our impressions we will slowly bake the clay that God had molded to become the man or woman that we were meant to be over what could have been because we rushed it.

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